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Midland Automotive

1 5 1 1 Review(s)


Phone (253) 531-4331
Address 1624 90th St E,
Tacoma, WA 98445-4130 United States


Midland Automotive is a well known provider of auto repair service in Tacoma. Visit us sometime soon at our business address or call us soon at 2535314331.

Reviews for Midland Automotive

1 Review(s) Add a Review
  • Midland Automotive


    1 5 0

    Posted On:

    “They're great mechanics! They're even better thieves!
    I've been taking my vehicles to Midland Automotive for 20 years and I can honestly say they are the best mechanics I've ever dealt with. I have always trusted their work and integrity.
    Unfortunately the last time I had work done there one of their mechanics broke a part and the car was not drivable. It cost another $700 on top of what I was paying to have done. I did not know it at the time but it is illegal to charge more than 10% above the original estimate.
    Did they do the right thing, admit their mistake and bear the cost? No, they lied (said it wasn't the mechanics fault) then illegally charged me for it. It’s really sad because I trusted them. I thought they were different.
    The best in Western Washington? No, just common thieves.”

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