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Sit Means Sit Northern Nevada


Phone (775) 741-4115
Mobile (775) 741-4115 - Mobile
Fax (XXX) XXX-XXXX - Fax
Address 8095 Blackfoot Way, Reno NV 89506,
Reno, TX 89506 United States


"Sit Means Sit Dog Training is a nationally renowned Dog Training franchise with its roots located right here
in Nevada! No matter your dog’s age, breed, or issues, Sit Means Sit Northern Nevada offers a personalized
approach to solving your dog training needs. From puppy socialization to aggression, we can help!

Serving metro Reno and surrounding areas including South Lake Tahoe, Incline Village, Carson City,
Minden, Gardnerville, Dayton, Fallon, Virginia City, and Washoe Valley, contact us today to schedule
your FREE evaluation!"

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