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Faith Behavioral Health


Phone (469) 397-4234
Address 1400 Coit Rd., Bld 11, Ste 1101,
McKinney, TX 75071 United States


At Faith Behavioral Health, certified therapists and psychologists are dedicated to providing comprehensive psychiatric services for children, adolescents, and adults. Take control of your life and put your trust in reliable and effective mental health services.

We understand the difficulty of living with mental health issues, which is why Faith Behavioral Health strives to provide the highest level of psychiatric treatment for children, adolescents, and adults. Our qualified psychiatrists create individualized plans to ensure our clients receive the most comprehensive care. We are dedicated to providing compassionate support so you can reach your goals and experience an improved quality of life. Together, we can make a brighter future. Let us help you on the journey to recovery and reclaiming your life! Take the first step towards that brighter future and contact Faith Behavioral Health today for effective psychiatric care and for a better future.

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