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Best Auto Rv & Truck Repair

1 5 1 1 Review(s)


Phone (928) 927-8787
Fax (928) 927-8787 - Fax
Address 585 N Central,
Quartzsite, AZ 85346-0000 United States


Best Auto Rv & Truck Repair is a reliable source of auto repair service in Quartzsite. Visit us sometime soon at our address or give us a ring at 9289278787.

Reviews for Best Auto Rv & Truck Repair

1 Review(s) Add a Review
  • Best Auto Rv & Truck Repair

    The mechanics was lying - Scam

    1 5 0

    Posted On:

    “The mechanics was lying: He said (Johnny) You do need fully functional brakes fro your semi truck, and the pads and rotors arent at their peak thickness levels. But think about it. Technically, peak thickness only exists upon installation; everything after that is compromised. So, dont ignore your brake system by any means, but also be aware of what does and doesnt happen when you use them. If theres truly a legitimate issue, address it. If not, dont get taken by this mechanic scam and spend money
    Johnny didn't want to Be a Better Man so he just scam me, even if they arent, and be aware of these mechanic scams some may try to run past you.
    Then there are the shysters that perpetuate stereotypes. They know all the old mechanic scams and routinely sell premature or unnecessary parts and services. Its bad enough they bleed you for extra money wherever they can, but theyre also screwing with your ride. Whether thats by design or incompetence, you could face more repairs, a breakdown or even a wreck.

    Don't use those guys Best Auto RV & Truck Repair stay way from them read all they bad review and the scam they putting on people and business.
    585 N Central, Quartzsite, AZ 85346
    (928) 927-8787”

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